What Are You Grateful For?
November 26, 2019
Every year during thanksgiving dinner, we often go around the table and everyone names one thing they are thankful for. But wouldn’t it be great if we adopted a thankful mindset year-round?
November 26, 2019
Every year during thanksgiving dinner, we often go around the table and everyone names one thing they are thankful for. But wouldn’t it be great if we adopted a thankful mindset year-round?
October 24, 2019
When you are asked for your professional bio, the conversation often goes like this: “Can you email me your professional bio? “Sure, I’ll get it to you by the end of the day.” Then panic sets in because you don’t have a bio. So, you scramble to assemble a quick and dirty career summary that […]
June 6, 2019
Years ago, when I worked as a vice president at PNC Bank, I faced the difficult choice of staying with my current company or relocating for another job opportunity. I had been with PNC for 10 years and had enjoyed a steady career progression. I was promoted three times starting as a marketing officer and […]
May 9, 2019
Several years ago, while working for PNC Bank, I was offered a great opportunity to serve as the director of shareholder communications. It was a highly visible position where I would work with the CEO of the company, as well as with a number of C-suite executives.