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LaNella Hooper-Williams

Personal Branding Tips and Tools for An Authentically Empowered Career

Finish What You Start!

February 15, 2018

Okay, we are seven weeks into 2018. The question is, do you remember the lofty goals you set on January 1st? You know: lose 25 pounds…be more disciplined…read a book a week. If you are like most of us, those resolutions and the motivation behind them have become a faded memory filed somewhere in the backs of our minds.

Some of us have moved on to the universal excuses—It’s just toooo hard! I’m just not disciplined. If I eat one potato chip, I need to eat the whole bag. Oh—that’s just me!

The reality is self-control and discipline is within all of us. We simply need to put effort in our priorities and stick with them. For example, every morning I wake up, I can honestly say that I don’t “feel” like exercising. I just don’t! Often, when that 6:00 am alarm goes off, I lay in bed and have serious conversations with myself about why it’s just easier to go back to sleep or lie in bed and watch the news. I can always exercise tonight, I rationalize, knowing very well that it’s not going to happen.

When I finally come to my senses, I know I need to pop up, get dressed and get my whining self on that treadmill! In essence, it has to become a habit. What we focus on is what develops in our life. And, I know to reach my long-term health goals, it’s worth it. More importantly, it’s about finishing what we start.

In my personal life, I have a habit of starting projects, but not finishing them. It’s a bad practice, and what I’ve learned in running a business is that completing a project successfully takes proper planning and conscious action. So, I’ve started incorporating my effective business practices into my personal life—just ask my husband who affectionately refers to me at times as “The General!”

Below are several tips that will help you get to the finish line:
1. Be Selective –Sometimes we take on too much or embark on projects that we no longer are interested in. This wastes time and precious resources that you could have diverted elsewhere.

2. Be Realistic About Resources—Do a mini plan to determine how much time and resources you will need. For example, I have budgeted 30 – 45 minutes in the morning to exercise. At work, make sure you budget the time and materials you need to complete a project.

3. Make a Commitment—It takes approximately 21 days to build a habit. For example, every Tuesday and Thursday morning, I’m committed to writing my blog. I don’t let distractions like email or talking to friends on the phone get in the way.

4. Don’t Give Up—If you have one setback, don’t throw in the towel. For example, if you have one day of indulgence, just get back on the healthy track the next day.

5. The Need for Perfection—For some of us, it’s the anxiety about our work and sharing it that keeps us from seeing it through to the end. Don’t worry about perfection. Just focus on doing your best and delivering on your idea. Completing and delivering on a project invites learning and sets you up for success.

6. Remember Your Why—When we begin a project or new endeavor, we are full of energy and enthusiasm. But somewhere in the middle, that initial excitement seems to wain and we start to get bored. At this point, we need to remember why we began our journey. Are you trying to improve a process in your company? Is it long-term health? Whatever it is, don’t lose sight of your “why.”

Dare to be different this year. Make a list of what you plan to finish in 2018! As for me, I plan to finish this weight loss project and I’m already down 8 pounds and counting!

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