April 5, 2018
I recently read a story on Thrive Global about a farmer who was ready to retire and wanted to turn his farm over to one of his sons. The older son felt he was entitled to inherit the business based solely on birth order. However, the father was not convinced he would be the best manager of the farm and decided to give both sons a task to see how they would handle it.
He sent the older son to talk to a farmer about purchasing some cows. The son came back and stated, “Mr. Cibi said you could purchase six cows.” The father graciously thanked the older son.
He then sent the younger son to inquire about the cows. The younger son returned with the following information, “Mr. Smith has six cows for sale at the cost of 2,000 rupees. If you are thinking about buying more than six cows, he said he would be willing to reduce the price 100 rupees. He also said they are getting special cows next week, and if we aren’t in a hurry, it may be good to wait. However, if we need the cows urgently, he could deliver them tomorrow.”
The father graciously thanked the younger son for his work. He then turned to the older son and said, “That’s why your younger brother is getting the farm.”
I love this story because it clearly illustrates the concept of taking initiative. Taking initiative means asking questions, making recommendations, offering help and going above and beyond. That’s what separates successful people from average people. When you take initiative, you are doing more than the job requires. You are always trying to figure out how you can make something better.
Initiative and creativity move the world. Those that that take initiative and bring innovation to their positions are the most valued.
Here are tips to help you be one of those proactive professionals and take more initiative at work:
• Go Above and Beyond. While you need to do what’s required, taking a task to the next level will help you stand out. Always stay alert for ideas to simplify processes and find better ways to do things. Do something extra all the time.
• Speak Up and Share Your Ideas. Do you have a brilliant idea? Then go ahead and speak about it. There is always need for fresh, powerful ideas. If your suggestions are based on broad research and adequate facts, then you have a great chance to see them realized in the near future.
• Be Confident. Self-confidence is one of the most powerful characteristics of successful people. It is extremely important in any sphere, place, or circumstance. Your confident gestures, voice, and behavior will deliver a decisive impression on your way up the career ladder.
• Consider Every Opportunity. Opportunities are hidden everywhere, and people who see them are the ones who prosper. Make a habit of constantly asking yourself: “What can I do to improve the outcome of a project or situation?” All you need to do is analyze and act.
• Ask Too Many Questions. Be curious and ask questions. Try to find out how things work and analyze each situation. This will give birth to new ideas and ways to contribute to the growth of your organization.
• Be Prepared. Tackle new skills and refine your abilities all the time. You learn and grow by challenging yourself. This will give you the knowledge and confidence to show more initiative in current or upcoming projects. As soon as you see a chance to use the acquired competency, go ahead and do that.
Business owners and managers constantly look for people who take the initiate and strive to add value to the organization. By taking initiative, you are positioning yourself for success and advancement!